Promoting Identities: An Overview of the Development of Nation Branding in Latin America


  • María-Luisa Azpíroz Professor-researcher, School of Communication, Universidad Panamericana, Campus México, Mexico City, Mexico Author
  • Amanda Rodríguez-Espínola Adjunct Professor, School of Communication, Universidad Panamericana, Campus México, Mexico City, Mexico Author
  • César Jiménez-Martínez Professor, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK Author



Public Diplomacy, Soft Power, Nation Branding, International Tourism, Latin America


This study analyzes and compares nation branding strategies implemented by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, since their first initiatives until 2020. Literature on nation branding in the countries under study is explored. The strategies implemented by each country were analyzed and compared. Argentina maintained a strategy focused on tourism but underwent logo and institutional changes. Brazil sought to stand out as a technological and innovative country. Chile focused on promoting investments and exports while creating a national identity. Colombia promoted international and domestic tourism, aiming to improve its international image and citizens self-esteem. Mexico maintained its logo and strategy of promoting tourism, investments, and exports until the dissolution of ProMexico under López Obrador’s administration. Peru maintained a strategy focused on tourism and gastronomy. During their first two decades, nation branding in Latin America has been characterized by, firstly, being strongly associated with the interests of governments in power. Secondly, by having authorities as main actors, often to the detriment of citizens’ perspectives. Finally, nation branding strategies in Latin America have privileged limited versions of national identity that have been perceived as appealing for international markets.

Author Biographies

  • María-Luisa Azpíroz, Professor-researcher, School of Communication, Universidad Panamericana, Campus México, Mexico City, Mexico

    PhD in Communication Studies, University of Navarra

    Professor-researcher at the School of Communication, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City Campus. Ranked as Full Professor A at the same university and member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), Level 1. PhD in Communication and Bachelor of Journalism from the University of Navarra. Postdoctoral researcher with a Marie Curie fellowship at the Université de Liège (2013-2015). Author of over a dozen articles and books. Research interests include public diplomacy, international relations, sustainable development, and analysis of political and media discourse.

  • Amanda Rodríguez-Espínola, Adjunct Professor, School of Communication, Universidad Panamericana, Campus México, Mexico City, Mexico

    PhD in Communication and Media Studies, University of Colorado Boulder

    Adjunct professor at the School of Communication, Universidad Panamericana, and associated researcher at the North American Cultural Diplomacy Initiative (NACDI). Holds a Master's in Public Diplomacy from the University of Southern California and a PhD in Communication from the University of Colorado-Boulder. Brings academic and corporate experience focused on public diplomacy and audiovisual media with social impact. Research interests include public and digital diplomacy, particularly the use of video games as tools for public diplomacy and social impact.

  • César Jiménez-Martínez, Professor, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK

    PhD in Media and Communications, London School of Economics

    César Jiménez-Martínez is a professor in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom. His research focuses on media and nationalism, nation branding and public diplomacy, and more recently, protests and violence. He is the author of the book Media and the Image of the Nation during Brazil’s 2013 Protests (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) and co-editor, with Terhi Rantanen, of Globalization and the Media (Routledge, 2019). His work has been published in journals such as The International Journal of Press/Politics, International Journal of Communication, Geopolitics, and he has received awards including the Anthony D. Smith 2021 Award for Best Article on Nationalism and the Best Article in Public Diplomacy at the ICA 2023 conference.


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