K-pop and Celebrity Luxury Brands Endorsements: Influence on Luxury Goods Purchasing Intention Among Spanish Gen Z K-pop Fans Review





Luxury Brand Marketing, Celebrity Luxury Brand Endorsement, Spanish K-pop Fans, Luxury Purchase Intention, Gen Z.


This research aims to study the influence of K-pop celebrity endorsements of luxury brands on the purchasing intentions of Spanish Generation Z fans. It combines quantitative data from an online survey with qualitative insights from an in-depth interview with a Spanish K-pop artist. The findings reveal that K-pop idols significantly impact the purchasing behavior of Spanish Gen Z fans, with 55% of participants having purchased products endorsed by their favorite idols. The study underscores the emotional connection and loyalty fans have towards K-pop idols, which translates into solid support for the endorsed luxury brands. Gender differences were noted, with female fans showing higher purchasing intentions influenced by celebrity endorsements. The study accentuates the pivotal role of social media in magnifying the impact of K-pop endorsements. Many fans, driven by idol endorsements, follow luxury brands online. These insights underscore the immense power of K-pop celebrity endorsements as a marketing strategy for luxury brands targeting the Gen Z demographic. The study calls for further research to explore the long-term implications of luxury brand loyalty and consumer behavior, highlighting this topic's ongoing relevance and importance.


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